Don't Ask Don't Tell

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Don't Ask Don't Tell

Don't Ask Don't Tell


Almost 20 years ago, a law condemned to silence gays serving in the U.S. forces. Since then, more than 11,000 soldiers have been forced to give up his uniform because of their sexual orientation. The Law “Don't Ask Don't Tell,” was introduced in the period of Clinton. The senate raised an issue that whether Homosexuals should be allowed to work in the U.S Military or not. This law was accorded in 1993 in supervision of Clinton senate and He does not allow it. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" released the U.S military soldiers for exposing them as gays, lesbians, or bisexuals (Yoshino, 1998).

Do not ask, do not tell ("Do not ask, do not tell") was a doctrine and legislation in force from 1993 to 2010 in the armed forces of the United States vis-à-vis homosexuals. It was abolished by a vote of the U.S. Senate December 18, 2010 and implemented September 20, 2011. This policy was adopted in 1993 to relax the ban on homosexuals to engage the army in intimating to the army not to inquire about the sexual orientation of recruits, offset the discretion of those concerned: no not ask, do not reveal. The law continued to prohibit any person who "demonstrates a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts" from serving in the U.S. military, because it "would create an unacceptable risk against the high moral standards, order, discipline and cohesion that are the essence of military capability”. The law therefore prevented any homosexual or bisexual to disclose his sexual orientation or about homosexual relationships, including marriage and the homosexual parenting as they served the U.S. forces. The "do not ask" indicates that superiors should not start investigation as there was no prohibited conduct, although there are many cases where suspicions about the homosexuality of a person led to an investigation. During the implementation of this legislation, at least 14,000 U.S. troops have had to resign from the army for this reason. Homosexuals have struggled for equality in the military since the 60's. It took much effort to get to this point." The movement to reverse the policy of the military which requires soldiers not to reveal their homosexual orientation was reinforced when President Barrack Obama campaign to repel. The effort was stalled in Congress, but revived last month when a federal judge in California called it unconstitutional. This research will try to evaluate the effects this law has on the people associated to it (Human Rights Campaign Fund, 2006).

Proposed Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research is to analyze how “Don't Ask Don't Tell Law” is effective in the American society. "In the light of this aim", the study will also fulfill the following objectives:

To identify the role of “Don't Ask Don't Tell Law”

To evaluate the effectiveness of “Don't Ask Don't Tell Law” in American setting to evaluate its effect on the people associated to this law.

Thesis statement

“Don't ask Don't tell” claims that military members will no further be ...
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