Domestic Violence And Effects On Children

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Domestic Violence and Effects on Children

Introduction to the problem

According to popular belief family violence involves two members - a husband and wife. But the violence leaves indelible marks on the third party;a child witness to domestic violence. For a child, witnessing violence can be fatal(Graham & Perkins 2010:427). Although children might not be able to outrightly register it at a conscious level that what is at stake in the conflict, but on an emotional level, they understand that there is something wrong.

Children are also almost always aware of the violence occurring in the family. They wake up from the night of fights, although parents may think that the children are asleep. Children also at times form the habit of "eavesdropping"(Rigterink & Katz 2010: 83). Children feel the tense atmosphere in the family and are able to anticipate the onset of a violent situation. If the family there is violence between adults, the risk of a child to be subjected to violence also increases manifolds: in such families, 45 - 75% of the children themselves become the target of physical violence .

Children who witness domestic violence exhibit increased overt behaviors (e.g., physical aggression, criminal behavior) and covert behaviors (e.g., withdrawal), impaired mental health, and lower self-esteem. Externalizing behaviors are more likely for boys and internalizing behaviors are more likely for girls, although increased levels of both are found for girls and boys who live in households with domestic violence. The greatest concern has been a particular externalizing behavior—that of becoming involved in domestic violence as an adult, which is often referred to as the intergenerational transmission of violence or as a cycle of violence(Kennedy 2010:197). Children who were raised in a home with domestic violence are more likely to be involved in domestic violence as an adult, as either a perpetrator or a victim, but most children do not repeat the “cycle.”


The present study takes into account all the factors responsible for domestic violence. The study will enable us to take into account the way a child behaves under the influence of exposure to domestic violence. It will enable edification players and teachers to deal with such children in a better way. The study will also emphasize the importance of parents being aware of the extent to which domestic violence affects children's' psychology.

Literature review

The impact of domestic violence on children

Domestic violence always affects the children one way or another. So, what are these consequences is determined by many factors, such as the level of development of the child, the duration and nature of the subordination of violence(Goddard 2010: 5).

Recurring instances of family violence can lead to post-traumatic stress reactions in a child, and symptoms can be divided into three groups:

Repeated behaivour after the traumatic event: memories of events unintentionally appear in memory, a child obsessed with playing certain games and dreaming of recurring nightmares. A child may have physical symptoms such as abdominal pain and ...
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