Domestic Terrorism And What It Is

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Domestic Terrorism and What It Is

Domestic Terrorism and What It Is


As a result of fear of terrorism that has resulted ever since the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked on the 9th of September 2001, the idea for terrorism was one that was not always foreign for the country. Over the years the number of terrorist attacks has occurred by the United States national's simple because of the reason that they were angry at the government or the society (Spaaij, 2010). Domestic violence encompasses all acts of violence, from the use of physical force to bullying, harassment or intimidation, occurring within a home and perpetrated at least one family member against another or others. Typically, this type of violence does not occur in isolation, but follows a consistent pattern over time. Their primary victims are women, children and / or dependents.

Discussion and Analysis

The FBI believes the illegal use of domestic terrorism or the threat of violence a person or group of persons based and operating entirely within the United States or its territories without control from abroad and of committed, directed against people or property with the intent to intimidate or coerce any of the several measures, the Government or the public in order to achieve political or social goals.

Highly specialized terrorism differs from traditional right and left of terrorism that the purpose of this wing extremist groups for solving specific problems. Niche extremists continue to conduct violent acts motivated in order to get community groups, including the general population, to change attitudes towards certain issues. These groups are extreme currents of political and social movements, animal rights, ban on abortion, the environment, nuclear disarmament, and others (Ozeren, 2007).

History of Domestic Violence

Domestic terrorism actually involves the violence against the infrastructure of the nation or the civilian population; however, it is not always by the citizens of that nation and often with the intent to coerce influence national policy or intimidate.

It is a fact that looking back at the historic of domestic terrorism, the political agitation during the nineteenth century led to changes in both public opinion and legislation related to domestic violence in the United Kingdom and the United States. Thus, domestic terrorism is actually known as the dangerous act that is basically intended for intimidate or coerce a “civilian population” that influence the policy of the government through affecting the government actions or intimidation by “massive assassination, kidnapping or mass destruction”. Thus, terrorism can actually work as one isolated individual or the larger network for the criminals.

Theodore Kaczynski

Theodore John Kaczynski (born 22 May 1942 in Chicago) is American mathematician and terrorist known as the Unabomber. Unabomber was nicknamed the codename UNABOM (University and Airline bombings) that the FBI gave the Theodore Kaczynski. The reason why he was considered to be a Lone Wolf was because he was someone who was involved in preparing or committing a violent act in support of either some group, ideology or the movement. He was the one who was responsible for ...
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