It appears discrimination is alive and well in the businesses of America. It is a better idea to confront the boss's discriminatory posture and try to convince him to change. In current years many suits have been filed and matured. Many are settled outside of court. Home Depot settled a gender discrimination suit in 1997 that alleged that women were not given the same opportunities for advancement as their male counter parts and for discriminatory hiring practices for around $100 million(Robertson 97). In case a woman applicant files for a discriminatory case and sues the company for its gender biased practices, the company could very well loose financially as well as may loose its reputation as well (Frable 97).
Anti discriminatory cases are very common. In October 2004 Wachovia Corporation settled with the U.S Department of Labor for $5.5 million over allegations it had engaged in pay discrimination against females. The list of current suits includes Microsoft, Costco Wholesale, United Airlines, Consolidated Freightways and Wal-mart. The Wal-mart lawsuit has become the largest private civil rights case in U.S. history. This suit could end up with as many as 1.6 million current and former female employees, prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It goes on to include the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which protects men and women who perform equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination(Boller, 19).
According to this act if the boss still discriminates women then he will be in clear violation of the law and thus can be sued on a individual level as well. Although the feel that my company is trying very hard to be fair and equitable to all of its employees and potential employees. But its is not possible to eliminate the potential for discrimination suits completely but it is smart business to recognize the problems and be as proactive as possible.
The boss needs to understand that Gender roles in Western society have been changing rapidly in recent years. The transformation was created by evolutionary changes in society, as well as economic changes, and maybe because people felt pressured to change; they felt the customary social structure was somehow unjust or unfair. Gender roles are a part of the socialization process of human beings. These roles are affected by the individual's cultural and financial background. They are initiated at a very early age, beginning at birth. From the time of birth our young are starting to find out their gender roles. Society begins educating them certain values and creating in them certain actions patterns suitable to their social roles. These roles have been in a state of flux in American society in recent years. Men and women today can be seen as having extended their standing in society, with women entering previously male dominated roles and men finding new ways to share and function in the family unit (Henley, 97).
The late 1960's brought on the first real sign that feminist ...