Dodd-Frank Act

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Dodd-Frank Act


Today's complex and decentralized association gives increase to associational needs for both commitment and institutionalized whistle blowing. However, ethicists glimpse a contradiction between both needs. This paper argues there is no such contradiction. It shows why earlier at tempts to go beyond the dilemma are not satisfying. The answer suggested in this paper begins from an organizational viewpoint rather than of a one-by-one one. It does so by refrain the concept of loyalty into "rational loyalty". This means that the object of commitment is not the physicality of an association, but its corpus of explicit mission declaration, goals, worth statement and cipher of conduct. An implication is that associations are - as their side of the duty of loyalty - obliged to institutionalize whistle blowing. The Dodd-Frank partition Street restructure and buyer Protection Act1 (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) encompasses significant changes to business whistleblower protections that sway publicly traded and non-publicly traded companies. While 2002's Sarbanes-Oxley proceed (SOX) prohibited publicly traded companies from retaliating against employees who made accounts of securities violations, the Dodd-Frank proceed significantly enhances the protections afforded to business whistleblowers, expands the businesses subject to SOX's whistleblower provisions, relaxes the timing and manner in which retaliation claims can be made, and stiffens the penalties for such retaliation. The Dodd-Frank proceed conceives a new whistleblower origin of action that permits persons to convey claims exactly in government court up to 10 years after the asserted retaliatory perform, to seek comprehensive damages, including twice back pay, and to receive up to 30 per hundred of SEC imposed sanctions.

Dodd-Frank Act

New Whistleblower Protections for Financial Services Employees

Section 1057 of the Dodd-Frank proceed conceives a new whistleblower origin of action for workers who perform jobs associated to the proposing or provision of consumer economic products or services.

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