Account of the Book “An introduction to Christian theology” by Alister McGrath3
Doctrine of Christ (Christology)4
Doctrine of the Trinity5
Christological Controversies of the Patristic Age6
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)7
Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology)7
Feminist Theology8
Liberation Theology9
African and/or Black Theology9
History of Jesus' Arguments or Critics10
Ecumenical Council 325 AD10
Nicean and Arius 325AD11
The Emperor Constantine12
Ephesus versus Nestorius in 431AD12
Cleledcdon and Monophytism in 451AD"13
Doctrine of Christ (Christology)
Christology, as its name suggests, is the Person of Christ and his redemptive work. It is a study in which reason, enlightened by faith, tries to deepen the knowledge of the mystery and the work of Christ. Both issues are usually discussed together. Indeed, in Christ, being and mission are inseparable: He became man for our salvation and, in turn, this salvation depends on his being God-man. By studying the figure of Christ, we study the centre of the preaching of the Church and, therefore, studied the heart of catechesis. Christ is the central message of the New Testament and the core of the apostolic preaching is, in fact, a throbbing testimony about Jesus of Nazareth, Lord and Christ (Witherington, 1997, p. 55).
Knowing about Christ is thus, a fundamental task of anyone who wants to spread the Christian faith. Only those who closely follow Christ can have a saving knowledge of Him that involves the transmission of which lead to communion with Him by the power of the Spirit. He who is called to teach Christ must therefore first seek the sublime gain is the knowledge of Christ. From this loving knowledge of Christ springs the desire to proclaim, to evangelize and lead others to do the faith in Jesus Christ (Schreiner, 2006, p. 19-65).
This assignments seeks to develop upon the theoretical basis of Christology and the development of doctrines in the Patristic Period, in order to assess how well do these relate to the Christian faith in general. Christianity, in today's world, is led by many changes in doctrinal developments that have evolved over time. Hence, we find out what those developments that transformed the Christina faith were, and how well these have perpetuated in the faith of all Christians.
The history of early Christianity has notable points of contact with the modern labour movement. Like this Christianity was originally a movement of oppressed, he appeared first as a religion of slaves and freedmen, the poor and disenfranchised men, of peoples subjugated or dispersed by Rome. Both Christianity as well as the workers' socialism preach a deliverance from bondage and misery; Christianity carries this issue in the hereafter, in an afterlife, in heaven; socialism place in this world, in a transformation of society. Despite all the persecution, and directly paid by them, one and one make their victoriously, irresistibly their way (McGrath, 2001, p. 18-553).
Three centuries after its birth, Christianity is recognized as the state religion of the world empire of Rome in less than 60 years, socialism has conquered a position such that its final victory is absolutely ...