Do Ho Suh

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Do Ho Suh

Do Ho Suh

Do Ho Suh is a sculptor and setting up creative individual from Korea. Born in Seoul, Korea in 1962. After making her BFA and MFA in Oriental Painting from Seoul National University, and the fulfillment of his period of mandatory service in the South Korean infantry, Suh shifted to the United States to extend their investigations in School of Design Rhode Island and Yale University. Ho Suh directs an itinerant life, hopping from his family dwelling in Seoul (where his dad is a large leverage on Korean customary painting) to his employed life in New York. Migration, both spatial and psychological, has been one of the matters Suh, manifested through biographical narrative and architecture emotional inflection. Best renowned for his elaborate sculptures that withstand accepted notions of scale and the specificity of location, Suh's work sketches vigilance to the modes viewers live at and live public space. Interested in the malleability of space, both in its personal and metaphorical, Do Ho Suh building of site-specific installations that inquiry the restricts of identity. His work discovers the connection between individuality, community, and anonymity.

Do Ho Suh's are alike in that they share some characteristics: considering with the difficulties of collective power in Korea and these components work simultaneously to drive out a mighty note to its viewers. 

The first attribute of his artwork—demonstrating the difficulties of collective power in Korea—shows the confrontations between individuality and the homogeneity of collectivism and how this sways the communal assemblies of Korea. To make his artwork more productive, he sketches in his own attitudes, sentiments and recollections about collectivism as well. Do Ho raises inquiries about one-by-one persona and collective power by discovering his individual convictions about space and collective actions. Through enquiry and fact of his works of art, viewers can effortlessly find out why he chosen recollections of his childhood and dwelling in Korea and in evaluation and mismatched them in his art works.

In Do Ho's first work, Who Am We?, he locations the topic of one-by-one persona in Korean humanity over each individual and how being a part of a societal unit is important. This work, created of 12 slips of hue counteract wallpaper (24” x 36”), is about the sense of individual persona and inquiries the collective persona of individuality.  Many high school uniforms were enclosed with 37,000 minute photos of Korean teenagers from school yearbooks. He decreased the scale of the portraits as far as he could because he liked to find out the accurate issue at which both the human eye and expertise could recognise one-by-one traits. Even from a expanse of just a couple of feet, viewers are not adept to make out the faces in the photographs—instead they all appear to be a gigantic mass of similar dots. His work is exposed down to its most basic characteristics by his recruiting minutia to assist multiple visual and purposeful purposes. When viewers first arrive into the occurrence of his work, they don't recognize ...
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