Divorce & The Broken Family In The Us

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Divorce & the Broken Family in the US

Divorce & the Broken Family in the US


Life event that I have chosen for the discussion of this paper is “divorce”. This paper will give an analysis of the interviews that I have conducted with the participants. Firstly, I have given an introduction of the topic so that a comprehensive understanding could be developed.

According to psychologists, Divorce is a stressful situation, threatening the mental equilibrium of one or both partners, and especially children. The situation of divorce in the family causes significant harm to the mental health of both partners and their children, for which there cannot be divorced from either the father or mother. Parents cannot be strangers for the children's. It is dissolution of marriage, in which the consent of both the partners generally exists. Marriage is not only terminated or dissolute by the decision of the spouses, but it also terminated by law. In particular, if one spouse has died or declared dead by a court, then the marriage is terminated. Many believe that divorce occurs more frequently in the modern United States as compared with other societies. However, anthropologists have reported comparable number of divorces among hunting and gathering societies to those in modern-day industrial societies. For example, the highest rates of divorce in 20th century were in Malaysia and Indonesia, which surpassed the U.S. record rates of 1981 (Williams & Bryant, 2006).

Depending on the society, ease of divorce varies. Marriage is much easier to dissolve in societies where marriage is more of a singular affair. In other societies where marriage represents a political and social union between families and communities, divorce is more difficult. Considerable bride wealth and replacement marriages work to preserve group alliances and thus decrease divorce rates.

The interviews conducted at participants' own houses. The reason for choosing their own houses was that they could feel safe, secure and comfortable. The sense of security helped the participants to be open with the interviewer. As, the participants were sure that no one else was listening they spoke freely and expressed their feelings with ease. The participants not disturbed throughout the interview as that could have affected the quality of response given.

Two people were interviewed for the sake of this paper. One was a 15 year old girl named Jenny, whose parents got divorced few years back. Whereas, the other was 30 years old working girl whose name was Michelle, who separated from her husband after having a terrible married life for more than one year.

The hypothesis assumed for the participants were

1. Hypothesis for Jenny: Divorce of parents affect a child's academic performance as well as his or her character building.

2. Hypothesis for Michelle: Divorce affects a person's working performance and social behavior.

The hypothesis that I considered for this paper were proven true because the responses that given while the interview reflected what actually mentioned in the hypotheses. The thorough analyses of the responses provided in the later section of the ...
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