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A diverticulum is an out pouching of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract that is sac-like in appearance. Diverticula can appear at any level of the gastrointestinal tract including the esophagus, stomach, or the small intestine; however, the most common location is the left side of the colon. Diverticulum means that unless otherwise stated, there are diverticula in the colon. Diverticulitis is an inflammatory state in the diverticulum. The diverticulum is rare in patients under 30 years of age in Western society in general, adults over the age of nearly 50 percent and 60 to 25 percent, which will have complications (Dalessandro, 2006).

Discussion and Analysis

Given the prevalence of diverticulosis in developed societies and the relative infrequency of the disease in nonindustrialized countries, it is thought that environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to the development of diverticula. In the colon wall is characterized by the longitudinal muscle nerves and blood vessels through the invasion zone. The penetration of these structures built on the site is weak muscle wall to form point defects diverticulum. Of the colon wall muscle by the occurrence of such deficiency, if there is a long-term, is seen when there is a reduction of stool volume exaggerated muscle contraction. High fiber diet will increase the amount of manure to prevent the exaggerated contraction will lead to diverticulum formation. The trend in industrialized societies, dietary carbohydrate, high protein, and saturated fat can explain why in these countries a higher prevalence of diverticulitis. Diverticulum diagnosis is often accidental, the testing process for other reasons, such as colonoscopy findings. Most people with diverticulosis will remain asymptomatic (Ouslander, 2003).

Diverticulitis, diverticula or inflammation occurs, and there is a diverticulum led to the decline in local blood flow, the erosion of the wall, may increase the flow of reducing tension within the colon ...