Diversity And Equality In Tourism Industry

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Diversity and Equality in Tourism Industry

Diversity and Equality in Tourism Industry


Many organizations are working to create an effective environment through which they could provide a diversified environment for their workers. Thus, it is necessary to develop training materials on managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Its overall aim is to increase the capacity of employers' organizations and other associations representing businesses to help them and assist them in creating or improving efforts on these elements in the workplace, so that this would channel the potential of a workplace characterized by diversity and equality between the sexes.

Discussion and analysis

As a whole, the success of a company is based on good relationship with employees, and it means no biasness, no discrimination. In action, diversity and equality are the pillars of growth and social progress that structure their corporate philosophy. Much organization has backed the creation of ethical values and principles for the promotion of equal opportunities in all aspects of people management. It also has programs in place, internal procedures and, actions to create a working environment free from discrimination of any kind and to promote diversity. An ongoing dialogue ensures the application of these values with social partners. This dialogue can be translated into the achievement of important milestones in the field of equality and diversity, including the development of female employment in sectors with little representation, the integration of people with disabilities and marginalize groups, among others. (Oscar, 2009, 346-364)

Tourism is the engine for gender equality and empowers women

The tourism sector, one of the greatest generators of wealth and jobs in the world, offers women almost twice as likely to become entrepreneurs as any other economic sector, the report said. Tourism opens opportunities for participation in decision-making, with women leading one in five of the world tourism ministries, more than any other area of ??government. However, the report states that "women's work in the sector is concentrated in the most precarious, poorly paid and low skilled" in fields relating to cooking, cleaning and housing, and earning on average 10% - 15% less than men (Hurst, 2009, 90-123).

According to the analysis, the result of the comparable data by region in five study areas states that; employment, entrepreneurship, leadership, education and community work. It also offers the public and operators responsible for promoting policy recommendations sensitive to gender issues, mainstreaming equality between men and women in corporate decisions, strengthen the legal protection of women in tourism employment, training and higher level support the tourism leadership of women. "Greater gender equality will contribute to the overall quality of tourism experience and have a considerable impact on profitability and quality in all aspects of the industry," said the report.

Diversity and equality approach at work

Equality, as a working definition might be "total absence of discrimination between human beings, with respect to their rights." However, it can be believed that this is not enough, but is a much broader and encompassing so many factors that can; in many cases, ...
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