Distributive Justice

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Distributive Justice in Organ Transplantation - Case of Todd Krampit

Distributive Justice in Organ Transplantation - Case of Todd Krampi

Case Analysis

Todd Krampit, a 32-year-old American, whose family was looking for a liver transplant with the use of all media, as well as outdoor billboard advertisements. In May 2004, he got diagnosed with liver cancer, and in July, doctors announced that it will save only the donor organ transplantation (Arthur, 2004). His family adapted, an unusual way to find a donor for a patient with liver cancer. They used the media and outdoor advertising to draw attention to the problem and find possible Todd donor.

The official line has to wait very long - in the U.S. every day in need of transplantation, approximately 70 patients, 16 of them die, and not waiting for a suitable organ. That is why the family decided to take a drastic step to success. In August last year, the family of one deceased American allowed to use a liver transplant to Todd. The operation was successful, but after 8 months Krampit died, and so it remained unclear - whether due to death post transplantation complications, or had done his work with liver cancer.

Ethics and Distributive Justice

Distributive justice is one aspect of the social justice. It refers to the extent to which the share of benefits received by members of the society (Spicer, 2008). Group meets the society and individual standards of fairness. It can also be an equity share (lot) a single person, without specific correlation to the distribution of benefits among others. For example in the mentioned case of Todd, the family used the unjust means of distributive justice, for the donor organ transplantation. This posed a sense of insecurity among other patients who actually needed the organ more desperately than Todd.

Analysis of Todd Krampit case ...
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