Disease Illness And Health

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Disease Illness and Health

Disease Illness and Health

The concept of health is one of the most important concepts in medicine and public health sciences as a whole. Health is, in fact, foremost the goal of medicine (Pellegrino and Thomasma 1981, Callahan and Hanson 1999). Health also has known in many position life contexts and is essential for the preservation and performance of profession for using leisure activities and, indeed, live a good life in general.

Health, Disease and Illness

In many contributions to the theory of health, distinction is between concepts of disease and illness (Boorse 1975; twaddle 1979; Fulford 1989). In general, the idea this distinction, although it has have been achieved in different ways different authors-is that disease is in disarray process in person's body whereas one illness is in person's negative experiences for instance, more or anguish, as a result from disease. In addition, some theories include disability in illness; see below. In distinction between disease and illness has proved useful in several contexts, including clinical one (Hellström 1993) for separating in disease as pathological phenomena of its impact on person as whole.

Researchers, educators and clinicians of various disciplines committed to improving health and preventing disease through lifestyle and behavioral changes. Health educators study methods and theories change health behaviors. Health psychologists study changes in behavior and mental processes to understand health and illnesses. Public health experts, on the other hand, focus to a wider sphere than the health promotion and prevention disease and usually conduct the people based health studies (vs. studies on individuals). Public health interventions May also include health assessment and surveillance methods, environment and policy, health and medical care services.

Health as Balance

An extremely powerful idea to history Medicine is that health is constituted through the physical and mental balance. Healthy person is in person in the balance, as a rule, this means that different parts and various functions of the human body and mind interlock harmoniously and keep each other in check. Hippocrates (428-347 BC) and Galenic schools were first Western schools develop the idea this in sophisticated way. They stated that a healthy body is, where the main properties (wet, dry, cold, hot) from the body balance each other. In medieval schools after Galen, this idea was publicly available and are formulated in terms of balance between the four humors body: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.

The idea of balance is strong in several Non Western medical traditions. In yahurveda tradition in India, for instance that declares There are three humors in the body, the spirit of (wool), in bile (pitta) and phlegm (kapha). In proportions three humors of person to person and actions depending on season, environment, lifestyle human beings and his or her diet. In good health, humors are in equilibrium. Disease is in result their imbalance (Singhal and Patterson 1993).

Balance is powerful idea also in modern Western thought, particularly in the physiology. The idea is often recognized in accordance with the label homeostasis (the Greek word ...
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