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My Understanding of Discrimination


Many moral philosophers have defined discrimination as harmful treatment for the society. According to my understanding of discrimination, it can be based on many aspects of the society like gender, age, disability, ethnic origin, race, religion, beliefs, marital status, economic status, lifestyle, and sexual orientation. The word “Discrimination” is derived from Latin, which means “to differentiate, to separate”. Discrimination can be of many types, but the main theme will remain same, which is to have inequality in care level to each person associated in a group. Discriminatory laws are present in many countries around the globe, but still the level of discrimination on many grounds is high. stated that discrimination can be done in two ways namely direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. However in both cases discrimination is harmful to the victim and the society as a whole. According to Durkheim people who committed were more isolated than the rest of society. I think that this behavior of committing suicide is resulted due to discrimination and social injustice, those people are socially isolated and are ignored by the society or treated poorly. Discrimination leads to social injustice. Equality in care has to be considered one of the basic needs for a citizen in any country. Justice should be done on all the grounds regardless of color, race, language, religion or nationality of an individual (Rubin & Hewstone, 2004, pp.823-844).


What I understand about discrimination is that many people in the world have turn out to be the victim of discrimination in our society due to their age, gender, race, social status, geography, religion, beliefs, disability, origin, marital status, and economic status and there is a very high probability of emerging as a victim for them currently and in the future. Discrimination not only targets innocent people on the basis of different factors it also creates a feeling of fear among them. This analysis of discrimination aims to examine how discrimination is a form of social injustice and oppression. This issue is considered to be one of the most important talking points in recent times because discrimination is increasing at a high rate. It has become a major concern in the recent past because the majority of people think that it violates civil rights by targeting the minorities for irrelevant reasons. Not only does it involve the minorities, but it dismantles many national laws. Many efforts of scrutinizing and terminating discriminating activities of law enforcement authorities have resulted unfruitful due to the support of higher authorities in the issue. As a result, this practice has caused law enforcement authorities to lose their trust and integrity among the minorities living in the country. Actually, the act of discrimination affects not only the main victims, but it also affects other people related to that.

Discrimination is described in the American Heritage Dictionary (Third Edition) as, “treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.” Discrimination in the criminal justice system is evident in cases of racial profiling where adverse ...
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