Christopher Columbus is given the credit for finding out the New World, but was he actually the first individual to step base in this new land. Approximately 20,000 years before the first Native Americans came over a land connection between Asia and North America. This connection was over 1,000 miles wide. In 1492 about one million American Indians dwelled in the United States and Canada and about 20 million Indians dwelled in South America.
Everyone identifies that numerous persons were in America long before Columbus. The Asiatic peoples who became Native Americans were absolutely the first, tens of thousands of years ago. Also Norse expeditions to North America, beginning with Bjarni Herjolfsson in 986, are well established historically. Many other pre-Columbian discoveries are not well established. Claims have been made for St. Brendan, Basque anglers, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, and even Carthaginians. Some of these assertions may be true; most are likely not.( Young, 1906)
In 1000 A. D. boat crew from Norway called Vikings traveled from Iceland to Greenland. They were lead by Eric the Red. Eric the Red based a colony on Greenland. Later his child, Leif Ericson, lead a assembly to Newfoundland in Canada. Unfortunately no charts were made of these travels. However in 1965 a Viking chart antiquated 1440 was found. The Viking chart displayed components of northeastern Canada.
About the identical time Columbus was producing his third voyage another explorer cruised for North America. His title was Americus Vespucius. Vespucius made charts of his travels. A German school educator who was composing a new geography publication discovered these maps. The school educator called the New World America in respect of Vespucius.
Native That Columbus Encountered Really 'Savages'
The Native Americans Columbus came across have usually been noted as savages, but factual ...