Discover What You're Best At

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Discover What You're Best At

Discover What You're Best At


If you feel like taking some assessment tests, to determine what career path is right for you, then you might enjoy this book, "Discover What Your Best At". This large paperback book was originally published in 1982, and it was then updated in 1990, and again in 1998. This book could be a useful tool for someone who is approaching the age where they need to choose a career, but are still undecided (Linda Gale, Barry Gale, Linda Gale, 1998). It can also be helpful to those who have been established in the workforce for a long time, but feel that they are not properly utilizing their talents.


This book is an excellent way to do two things: 1) confirm that what you are doing now is (or is not) something you are naturally inclined to do; and 2) give you ideas of alternate careers that you may be well suited for. This is not a book that gives advice and counseling to the interested party. It's just a book of self- tests, and a list of the occupations that match the results. The author doesn't really go into great detail about the selection of a career. This book is really meant as a starting point. Once you have an idea about the different career options that are compatible to your skill level, you can then conduct more research on those careers and decide if they are really best for you (Linda Gale, Barry Gale, Linda Gale, 1998).

This is comprised of questionnaires and self- tests designed to help identify your personal skill set. I found the tests to be fairly easy overall, but I admit that there were a few questions that did require a lot more ...
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