Discounting Swipe Cards

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Discounting Swipe Cards - Advertising Campaign Analysis

Discounting Swipe Cards - Advertising Campaign Analysis


The idea for discounting swipe cards can be expected to be effective. This is because the discounting swipe cards will allow consumers to feel that they have an advantage in their hands. Think about it! Wal-Mart gives unbelievable prices; and yet it is highly successful. This goes to show that pricing products in a reasonable price range does not necessarily bring about a deficiency in revenues. Similarly, the discounting swipe cards can be expected to encourage consumers to shop more. The discounting swipe cards will offer sellers an opportunity to follow in on the foot steps of some of the most successful organizations of today. The discounting swipe cards will allow sellers to give their consumers access to amazing prices that consumers cannot say no to. In addition, the consumers will feel that they are capable of saving more on their purchases. The discounting swipe cards will be better than any cash back offer that any bank or credit card can offer them. This is because the discounting swipe cards will allow consumers to save at the point of purchase.


The advertising campaign for the discounting swipe cards will rest on the manner in which the discounting swipe cards will help increase the consumers' capacity to shop more. The advertising campaign will boast of the manner in which consumers can use the discounting swipe cards to get more for their money. The consumers will be able to spend less to buy more. In fact, the marketing slogan for the discounting swipe cards can be built along these lines: spend less - buy more; or get more for less! The discounting swipe cards are sure to appeal to consumers because a discount does not involve red tape that ...
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