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Discipline, Violence and Academic Achievement

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This paper examines the relationship between the discipline in the classroom and academic achievement, observes the current level of problems of school discipline, and illustrates approaches sampling being employed throughout the country to lessen violence and increase discipline in US schools.

Discipline, Violence and Academic Achievement


Recent awful events have drawn public attention on the performance of students in schools. While the country focuses on improving the students' academic achievement, we must remember the warning issued by the late former president of the American Federation of Teachers, Al Shanker, “Unless you have discipline and civility, not much education and learning will take place.”


The Relationship among School Delinquency, Discipline and Achievement

There is a massive impact of school policies such as disciplinary policy on the academic achievement and on maintaining the discipline within school and classroom. Previous literature regarding this context identified that disciplinary policies has a significant role in reducing student misbehavior; however, might not recognize the most appropriate policy of discipline, nor tie academic achievement and misbehavior of students. It observed that there is a direct relationship between student delinquency, disciplinary policies and academic achievement.

It is empirical that misbehavior or delinquency can be categorized in three forms such as non-serious offenses like late coming, alcohol and drug use, and serious wrongdoing meriting stern punishments. The school security arrangements have an effect on non-serious crimes. The strict monitoring of students' movement during school hours; decrease the probability of students' involvement will be absent or tardy. The school punishments severity metes out to learners influence all delinquency types. The lower offense prevalence will apt to receive more strict punishments. Policies existence on gangs or school uniforms is insignificant linked to delinquency types. Non-serious and serious frequency is negatively linked to academic achievement in all four core subjects such as social science, science, reading and mathematics. The drug offenses frequency is not significantly related to the academic achievement in science and mathematics, but not in reading and social science (Horner & Sugai, 2000).

Trends or Levels: School Disorder

The current classrooms conditions show the school discipline problems. The empirical evidence of different group of students in the United States illustrate that 10 percent student in grade eight feels unsafe at school. Hispanic students are more probably than White and Black to feel insecure. Half of the public school accounted that an offense had been entrusted on the school premise and reported to law enforcement officers. Out of ten, one accounted for severe offense such as suicide, physical attack, sexual battery and robbery by using a weapon in the school premises. It was also observed that large school, city school and school of minority students were most probable to report offense (severe violent offenses). 13 percent of the eight grader students attended schools where physical conflict was a serious or moderate issue. Principals of high school accounted three most severe issues that are tobacco use, student tardiness and absenteeism and class-cutting (Ota & DuPaul, ...
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