There is an important irony about direct discrimination, namely, that most of us value fairness but have the potential to discriminate either individually or collectively. People can be discriminated against on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion, age, nationality, immigrant and socioeconomic status, and many other bases. In fact, most of us would be upset by the suggestion that we had discriminated against another person. To discriminate implies that we have judged a person unfairly on the basis of the groups to which he or she belongs rather than on the basis of his or her ability, skills, or character. Because, across cultures, people endorse egalitarian ideals, most people feel guilty and self-critical when confronted with evidence that their thoughts or behaviors violate ideals of fairness. As a result, images of the kind of person who discriminates against others are at odds with images of self as fair and principled. Direct discrimination is, however, a persistent social reality, being neither a thing of the past nor a problem exhibited by the rare few among us who reject egalitarian ideals.
Direct discrimination in the labor market is the situation where an employee of a potential employee or current is less favorable treatment because of race, sex, marital status, religion and sexual orientation. The Equality Act 2010 provides a new justification defense. Supplier or service etc. employer has a defense against direct discrimination based on disability "and" evidence of direct discrimination if the employer demonstrates by his behavior, is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The new test is based on European law is based. It was some time for the defense of "direct discrimination based on race or sex, which was used. Before him, there was evidence in different contexts different rationale for proceeding to another for delivery of employment and service. The new test is in all areas. Discussion
Direct discrimination refers to the differential treatment of people because of the social groups to which they belong. In this definition, differential treatment refers to any observable differences in behavior toward people who belong to different groups. Discrimination may emerge in verbal or nonverbal behavior, involve positive or negative acts, and stem from an actor's benevolent or malevolent intent of which he or she is or is not aware.
Legitimate Aim
The Labor Code and paragraph 5.28-5.29 of the Services Code states that a legitimate objective should be legal must not be discriminatory and must represent a real and objective consideration. Although authorized to reasonable needs of the legitimate economy and efficiency, an employer or service provider solely in order to reduce costs cannot be expected to take the test. For example, the employer or service provider cannot simply say that direct discrimination is cheaper than not discriminate.
A variety of objectives can be considered legitimate, but must meet the reasonable needs of employers. Economic factors, such as business needs and efficiency may be legitimate targets, but the argument could be costly in itself no justification for direct ...