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Digital Age Reflecting Human Values in the Digital Age

Reflecting Human Values in the Digital Age


Throughout the history of mankind, the man attempted to ensure and improve their living standards through better knowledge of the world around him and a mastery of the most effective, that is, through constant development of science. Today, we are convinced that one of the characteristics of the present moment is inseparable connection, the very close interaction and mutual conditioning of society to science. Science is one of the essential factors of social development and is gaining a status increasingly mass. In studying the effects of science on society, not only about the effects on society, but also the effects on future society. In traditional societies were well defined functions of the individual , there was a harmony between nature , society and man. But science brought about the demise of this traditional framework, breaking the balance between man and society and a profound change in the environment. Although not directly to blame science. Advances in science have been very fast in developed countries, whereas in developing countries purchase is so slow that every day the difference between two types of countries is larger. This delay helps to maintain or even aggravate the situation of dependency of developing countries over developed countries.

Q.1 Computers will soon be able to monitor the bodily functions of people without requiring their awareness or necessarily seeking their permission

This example can give a clear view of about how will technology monitor the functions of the body.

Real and Anticipated Nanotechnologies in Healthcare

Enabled by nanoscientific research, applied technologies have already been developed in healthcare. First, some medical researchers have inserted nanomaterials into active cells—through quantum dots and other visualization techniques—to detect tumors and other undesirable cells in animal bodies. Polymeric nanoparticles have been applied to “find” where tumors bind and dissolve in cells. This nanoparticle can be safely injected into blood streams, if coated with polyethylene glycol. Also, it has been shown in animal studies that the particle is able to kill tumors related to prostate cancer.

There are other applications in intervention, monitoring, and organ replacement in biomedicine. In tissue engineering, researchers have already built superior artificial tissue for implantation and other related devices. For example, nanotechnology contributes to building complex and precise scaffolds for organ regeneration, according to research by J.M. Williams and colleagues in 2005. By implanting a scaffold in the body, organs such as the larynx and bladder can grow within a more appropriate environment.

More precise implanting and tissue engineering techniques are beneficial in utilizing a patient's own cells to create needed organs. Using the patient's own cells also minimizes the problem of the body's tendency to reject implanted organs. In addition to improving tissue engineering, some researchers believe that nanotechnology can speed up the development of artificial organs. Nanodevices, being more responsive to internal bodily conditions, could be used to replace defective organs. Some researchers are now exploring ways to allow nanodevices to use energy sources inside ...
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