Differentiation In Education

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Applying Differentiation in Support of Additional Learning


Applying Differentiation in Support of Additional Learning



When a teacher is about to plan a lesson to teach it to a group of students, it is of immense important to bear in mind that the differences among students and keeping this in view, teachers need to implement differentiation. When a teacher considers the differences that exists between students, this consideration allows a teacher to act more sensitive to the individual needs of the pupils, and this assists a teacher in providing a more positive approach and experience when imparting education in the classroom. Not only this, but it would also ensure the teacher that all pupils are equally benefitting from the lesson taught in the classroom, instead of the dominant group that the majority forms (Tomlinson & Allan 2000, Pp.25). Scholars in education say that a student's ability is closely associated with their level of intelligence and his accomplishments. However, some believe that student's general know-how partly reflects their frame of reference and field of experience formed as a result of prior learning occurrences. Moreover, a pupil's achievements and the power to grab concepts is a mirror image of various aspects that ultimately add to the learning of a student. These factors include inspiration and motivation, objectives, encouragement on part of the student's parents as well as support, and last the contents and design of the curriculum and the teaching methods used in the classroom. Therefore, these factors imply that a group of students whose ability to attain is low as compared to other students may have many potential to perform but their additional learning needs are to be met more effectively so that they can accomplish in a better fashion (Maker 1982, Pp. 43-48).

Curriculum differentiation

Training differentiation means to ensure equal opportunities in the learning environment. Everyone should have the opportunity to develop and expand their knowledge to the extent of his capabilities. An opportunity should be provided to the students to make the best use of their talents and abilities as possible. With this objective in mind, the general program of differentiation after expansion and simplification can cater to the educational system so that additional teaching techniques are developed for students who need extra help because they have additional learning difficulties and have special educational needs or disabilities. Curricular differentiation could be applied to the methods of teaching when a teacher is planning the lessons.

To impart a programme based on equal opportunity, safety and health regulation and laws regarding child protection. This implies that all the young people or children will have a right to be taught a mentally inspiring environment that is safe, congenial and comfortable.

In this regard, teachers, teaching assistants and special coordinators play an important role in maintaining the balance of the learning environment, information and plan to adjust the level of care or support because they often form the frontline in the fight against inequality, bias and ...
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