Differences In Culture

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Differences in Culture

Differences in Culture


Culture is an integrated field of knowledge, research results collected by a variety of scientific subjects (cultural anthropology, social anthropology, ethnology, sociology, psychology, speech linguists, and historians), so the task analysis gets carried out through a combination of methods and goals of awareness, gathering around a centre of culture and other aspects of it. In the process of cultural studies analysis, the methods of each individual subject used a selective manner, the ability to solve problems, analyze them in terms of cultural studies. In the methodology of cultural studies also applies to the separation, common to the social sciences and humanities, divided into methods for the study of basic knowledge and methods associated the acquisition of knowledge with experience. Therefore, all issues related to differences of culture will be discussed in detail.


Corporate culture can be defined as the elements that explain the basics of a distinct entity. It is, in a sense, a by-product of national culture and, therefore, a set of values, myths, rituals, taboos and symbols shared by the majority of employees. Corporate culture is an essential variable to explain the daily life and the strategic choices made by a social group. As it was seen during the building of the national culture, values, collective preferences were necessary to the group's core beliefs, standards that defined the way of the act and think. More specifically, the values form the philosophy of the company. They determine its charter of conduct expressed by the rules of procedure, job descriptions, as well as the system of rewards and sanctions adopted. The values established prohibitions, taboos, the margins of freedom that should not be violated (Allik, 2002, 103).

However, with the issue of corporate culture, myths are the legends, stories related to the past of the company. They serve to reinforce traditional values. They may be linked to personalities which mark or have marked the life of the company. The myth of the founding fathers company is operated, particularly in SMEs. The successor must be imposed on employees without wanting to destroy the myth that surrounds the personality of the old boss. Some entrepreneurs become myths whose reputation is beyond the scope of their business (e.g. Georges Besse, former CEO of Renault, murdered at the door of his home). Some companies create museums (BMW and Philips) to recall their past and the progress made by ...
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