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Today, there are many diets that promise quick and effective weight loss. In this article we will discuss diet and food system, the most common and popular in America today. Until recently in the U.S., the most popular low-fat diet, whereas today, gaining more and more popular low-carbohydrate (low-carb) diet (Keller & Lang, 867). It should be noted that about any empty buckwheat seven consecutive days, or about the Japanese diet or a diet of Protasov, nor of many other diets that are popular in our country, there never heard.

Low-carb Atkins diet

High-fat and high-protein diet of the American dietician Robert Atkins is based on the total elimination of carbohydrate-containing foods: a daily carbohydrate intake should not exceed 20 grams per day. From the "starchy" foods allowed some mushrooms, because they have a lot of vegetable protein. The rest - bread, vegetables, fruit, pasta, biscuits, sugar and so on - is almost completely excluded from the diet. Even small amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods reduce the efficacy of the diet (Renehan et al., 371:569).

The purpose of Atkins food - to create a body condition called ketosis (which is why this diet is also called the ketogenic diet), in which there is a rapid lipolysis (Polivy & Herman, 193-201).


There are no limits on calories and the amount allowed for food;

During the diet is stabilized and the maintenance of a constant level of sugar in the blood, thus avoiding the symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as carbohydrate addiction and the constant feeling of hunger (getting rid of the addiction to sweets and other food dependency);

Changes in metabolism - the switch from burning carbohydrates as the most "friendly" fuel for burning fat (Lattimore & Halford, 451-464 ).


Diet can only be carried out in good health and only after a full medical investigation. In no event should not be used for diabetics;

Due to the fact that most food comes from protein and fat in the body is greatly increased level of cholesterol in the blood, and it threatens a heart attack and atherosclerosis, even healthy people;

In this diet is not provided in the intake of sufficient quantities of mineral salts and fiber needed for normal operation of the digestive tract (Lattimore & Halford, 451-464 ).

Weight Watchers

"Weight Watchers" - a rather popular diet based on the scoring. Each product based on its calories, fat content, fiber content and size of servings shall be awarded a certain number of points. Diet conceived in such a way that not only cause weight loss, but losing weight and learn to eat right. This is achieved mainly due to the fact that the number of meals eaten strictly counted, portions being cut severely, and every calorie count. "Weight Watchers" have developed a diverse menu of stores you can buy them ready-made meals and products for cooking.


Diet plan specialists and nutritionists meet modern concepts about nutrition and recommendations of the Institute of Nutrition. It is suitable for both men and young ...
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