Diabetes is a circumstance in which a break down occurs in the metabolism of the food into power for the human body. It is a serious disorder that affects millions and millions of people each year. The chief feature of diabetes is the lack of insulin. Diabetes is one of the oldest diseases known to this date. Since the Ancient days, scientist have made many medical discovers that helps treat diabetes.( Moran 2004).
There are two forms of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. A person with Type I diabetes depends on insulin; therefore, they must acquire shots of insulin every day from a syringe. This type of diabetes typically affects a person before they turn thirty. There pancreas does not produce the insulin that is required to turn sugar into energy. A person with Type II diabetes does not dependent on insulin shots. They can produce insulin, but not fast enough to maintain high intakes of foods with high sugar counts. The main treatments for this type of diabetes is a firmly restricted diet and exercise. This type of diabetes generally occurs in seriously overweight adults over the age of thirty. (Walsh 2000)
This disease is caused by defective carbohydrate metabolism. It causes large amounts of sugar in the blood and urine. It can damage the kidneys, heart, eyes, limbs, and endanger pregnancy. About five percent of the United States population has it and about half are undiagnosed. A diabetic that is treated life span is lowered by one-third
There are two types of diabetes. Type I, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). And type II, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).
Type I
This type usually occurs in children and young adults, it is known as one of the autoimmune diseases. It is 10-15 percent of all ...