Development Of Temperament

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Case study in the Development of Temperament



Temperament is the uniqueness and intensity of individual psychic affections and the dominant structure of mood and motivation. The term comes from the Latin temperamentum 'measure'. Is the natural way that a human being interacts with the environment. It can be hereditary and external factors influence (only if these stimuli were too strong and constant) layer is instinctive-affective personality on which intelligence and will shape the character (which does influence the environment) , occupying also the ability to adapt, mood, intensity, activity level, accessibility, and regularity, the temperament is the general nature of the personality of an individual based on the characteristics of the nervous system. The temperament is related to endocrine influence (which is due to genes, and that manifests itself in certain physical and psychological traits). The temperament and character define the personality of man, and the different mix and intensity that their appearance in different areas, make us unique and human. The temperament or temperament trait is descriptive style of acting that distinguishes us from others as unique and irreplaceable, so that we can harmonize with them.


The earliest classification of the types of temperament has been developed in the II century BC Roman physician Claudius Galen. In this typology there are four main types: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, and melancholic. As a rule, you should talk about the prevalence of certain traits of temperament, the relationship of temperament and their percentage in the individual. In the "pure" individual temperament types are rare (Cloninger, 1994). However, describe the "pure" types of temperaments.

First is Choleric. Its increased excitability, intermittent action. He is characterized by the sharpness and swiftness of motion, strength, impulsivity, bright expression of emotions. Because of imbalance, fascinated by case, tends to operate best, depleted more than they should. With the public interest, temperament manifests in the initiative, energy, integrity. In the absence of spiritual life the choleric temperament is often manifested in irritability, affectivity, incontinence, temper, inability to self-control in emotional circumstances. The person of choleric temperament has a quick and nervous system balance. It's fast, and very active in their decisions. Such people are known for being very independent. Is outgoing but not so sanguine people.

The choleric feels comfortable with the activities. In fact always have to keep my mind busy and doing something. Defined positions adopted address the issues, and you can see organizing marches against social injustice (Isacoff, 2001).The angry not upset the odds, however, tend to encourage it. Is determined and does not yield to any obstacle, move on. Shows little appreciation for music and art, and prefer utilitarian values ??and productive life.Any profession that requires leadership, motivation and productivity are ideal for him.It also has its weaknesses. The choleric can be profoundly hostile. His explosiveness can be very dangerous. They also tend to be more insensitive to the problems of others, does not like tears. It is cruel, cutting and sarcastic.

Second is Sanguine. Quickly adapts to new conditions quickly converge to the people ...
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