Develop effective team relationships and performance
To develop effective team relationship and performance you have to focus the task environments, and they must be prepared to adopt that change spontaneously as discuss above. For instance in wartime, effective defense teams must improvise quickly and efficiently to adapt to the performance constraints of an evolving and changing battlefield. It would be impossible to train military teams for the infinite number of contextual factors they might confront on the battlefield. A more rational approach is to examine the antecedents of team performance that facilitate team adaptation mechanisms to dynamic situational factors that might occur during performance. Many team training efforts still focus exclusively on individual or team training of skills applicable to a definite performance situation.
To develop effective team relationship and their performance we have different approaches discussed below:
Shared mental models, teamwork, and team performance
It offered the concept of shared or team mental models among team members as a means to explain the orchestration or teamwork and coordinated performance among team members. Team mental models are knowledge structures held by team members that enable them to form explanations, expectations, and predictions of tasks, member roles, and coordination action. Shared mental models, have been proposed to operate by providing team members with a common understanding of responsible person for different actions, and how those actions work together to produce effective team performance. Teams regularly perform in complex and dynamic environments, where their responsibilities take them into domains that differ from their exhaustive training or direct experiences. This concept seems particularly important for enhancing an understanding of team performance in complex and dynamic environments because shared understanding among team members enables members to anticipate and predict each other's needs and actions. When teams laced in a performance setting, the ability to anticipate and predict the actions of other members yields an implicit understanding of how to coordinate team member action, without the need for extensive, overt planning. Accordingly, they can adapt more effectively and efficiently to dynamic situations and coordinate their actions for impressive performance.
Team interaction training
Theoretical and empirical works in team performance have generated two general categories of behaviors, teamwork and task-work which affect team performance. Task work behaviors are mission critical actions that performed by individual, team members and are necessary for the execution of individual team member functions. Task work skills labeled “necessary, but not sufficient” for effective team performance. Salas et. al. (1992) argued that studies that have looked at the effects of individual ability on team performance have found significant but negligible effects, thus leaving a substantial amount of variance unaccounted for in team performance and their relationship. In contrast, teamwork functions consist of behaviors that are essential to establishing coordination among team members necessary to accomplish a given task. This have suggested that training teamwork skills should emphasize coordination and communication requirements, and should identify task interdependence and the problems associated with tailed or lack of coordination ...