Developing Good Practice

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Developing Good Practice

Developing Good Practice

Outline of the paper

Background of Client X

Long Term Conditions and their significance for practice

Reflect on the notion of patient/user know-how in Long Term Conditions

Key Features of Common Long Term Conditions


Regular reviews

Eat healthily

Exercise regularly

Impact of Health and Social Care Policies on the Care of Individuals with Long Term Conditions

Background of Client X

Client X had a complicated birth and was noted to have delayed developmental milestones. Previous reports shows that Client X has developing temporal lope epilepsy at three years of age and was reported to have had 6 tonic-clonic seizures within a twenty-four hour period soon after birth. This is combined with additional health implication such as Mental Health Issues, Learning Difficulties but lately he was diagnosed again and it was confirmed that he suffers from Type II Diabetes. At the moment Client X has been identified as requiring health needs which inevitably require an intervention. Immediately, information was collected about this condition explaining about what can be done and the roles required by the team.

Diabetes Type II is a chronic disease, which occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. This leads to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood (hyperglycaemia).

As a result of the fact that an illness has now been further identified due to the current observation level, ignoring Client X means that his life will be put at risk and his life style choices be altered contrary to his current Care Plan in situ. My duty to Client X being his assigned Support staff I found it as part of my duty of care to ensure that Client X must receive the best of care despite the fact of Client X previous mental health issues where it would be impossible to ignore or deal with the new finding slightly handled. Furthermore, if action was not taken correctly where the whole team must setup a process the end result of this neglect would be a disaster ending to Client X. I implemented the right move of communication and applied a suitable way to communicate with the rest of the team. Thus information such as what will be the benefit of a certain course of action, and to whom it will accrue, and the relative need of Client X. One way of looking at these issues would be to consider the relative benefit of different courses of action. The benefit to Client X having to have a new life style modification, physical activity and his diet review.

As a team of Support Workers working in collaboration with other Multi disciplinary agencies to look after his independent living and well-being of Client X, it was quickly became our priority to assist him with this new finding. Since the information has been collected as well as the needs for intervention has now been identified therefore, motivation and good support as well as effective communication became an essential part to be demonstrated by ...
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