The United States: Exporter of Democracy or Capitalism
The United States: Exporter of Democracy or Capitalism
The relationship between democracy and sovereignty. Speaking of democracy in the world means in the first instance investigate the relationship between democracy and sovereignty. In recent decades, the international dimension of non-state actors has grown exponentially, in a general context characterized by the intensification of globalization processes and the progress of European integration. For example, today's multinational corporations and financial speculators move in a poorly regulated international context, where most of their activities freely flowing along the highways because global rules and institutions generally have a jurisdiction limited to national borders. The few international rules and institutions are most often favorable to rich countries and their financial pillars. You can certainly say that the phenomena of globalization thus end up favoring nation-states with a stronger economy and greater internal stability, which often look to the political, military and economic supranational as a more modern and effective to meet their legitimate national interests.
That's why the international community can no longer afford to circumvent the issue of more balanced architecture, in which all countries - but also the associations and organizations, non-elective - could be heard and at the same time, making the case. A few weeks ago, Giuliano Amato asked if future international architecture could be conceived as a system of democratic government in the world. Resorting to some eminent scholars such as Robert Dahl and Ralf Dahrendorf, Amato responds negatively to this question. Dahrendorf, in particular, goes even further when he argues that we must put aside the rhetoric of democracy and admit that "what the world needs most is not democracy, but the rule of law, the force of a common law, with all its consequences and implications (Didion, 1995). " In other ...