Decriminalizing Marijuana Use And Possession

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Decriminalizing Marijuana Use and Possession


Marijuana is one of the most common psychotropic drugs derived from cannabis plants containing the specific substance that are cannabinoids, which have narcotic effect. The decriminalization of marijuana is more plausible than its legalization. The topic of decriminalizing the use and possession of Marijuana which has scientific name, Cannabis Sativa is a very conservational issue in United States. There are different arguments mutually for and against decriminalization. One thing that is most important that arguments should be based on information with facts.

Drugs are unthinkable matter in United States, because people are amateurish or take in dishonorable thoughts by government education. It makes most people feel that, anyone who uses drugs is a threat to society. Drug abuse for the most part is a victimless offense only affecting the addict and, therefore, should be the addict's preference. There are certain laws, which are applicable, in many countries for almost every drug that, the actions occurs due to the usage of that drug led to the offense. With the help, of rules and regulations nobody can misuse it. It is my point of view that legalization of marijuana will not harm the society.

There are some pro-marijuana legalization assemblies such as the Physician's Association for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma base, which has a request that marijuana must be legalized for treating patients. Thus, among different patients, some are suffering from HIV Aids, where consumption of marijuana might battle dangerous emaciation. It can benefit patients who are suffering from glaucoma and can help those patients who have the problem of acute nausea, which often escorts chemotherapy and sometimes makes lifesaving treatment impossible. After all, these examples suggest that some medical experts say that might be prescribed as a beneficial drug. Some even suggest that, other medical drugs such as morphine and cocaine are lawful and are very dangerous pharmaceuticals that cause a debate that why marijuana should then be adopted as a legal drug (Tom Heddleston, et al., 2011, Pp. 128).

Thesis Statement

Legalization is considered unnecessary to many people. They feel that this will increase the number of drugs throughout the world. Legalization would eliminate the legal forces that prevent users from using or selling drugs. With the help of proper rules and regulations, decriminalizing marijuana will not harm the society.


The debate about legalizing marijuana generates much discussion in the society. There are lobbyists trying to decriminalize the possession and the use of the substance. Yet not many people understand the advantages that this initiatives promises to bring with itself. For people it is nothing more than a weed that affects the functions of the brain and gets people high. This perception comes from years of coverage of its negative effects and a lack of research about the possible health and economic benefits. With the legalization of marijuana a part of the business of drug trafficking will end, as it will become more accessible and without any legal problem.

In case of its legalization, one can produce large ...
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