Decision Making

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Do we depend less on experts to guide our Decision Making?

Do we depend less on experts to guide our Decision Making?

In my opinion yes we are less dependent on experts in the contemporary society because technology in all aspects of life has facilitated the common man to do better than the expert of yesterday. The dependence on experts has reduced to a great extent. In the contemporary society things have all been integrated to an extent that everyone has to follow a typical technology the channel and system in all walks of life has made things far more easier than what things used to be like. The technology idea ws based on the fact of time reduction. The lesser the time spent the better the technology. Lesser manual effort has become the buzzword of modern times. The contemporary society supported by technology has made us more independent for makingn better and easier decisions that suit us without the interventions of experts. Contemporary man is accustomed to enjoy many comforts, often without even asking himself how they have been developed, how people lived before and what sacrifices were paid along the way. A banal gesture causes a flame spring from a lighter and we do not even think how this invention is wonderful and what there is behind it. We press on a button and here a bottle of fresh water appears. By pushing on other buttons, we can obtain a coffee, some milk, a snack, etc. Once, to find some drinking and fresh water, especially in desert lands, was not so simple a matter. Sometimes, it may have been necessary to fetch water from a river infested by crocodiles. In order to have some milk, it was necessary to convince an animal to be milked. It was not possible to convince a female buffalo by pulling on its tail, but it was first necessary to invent the breeding of animals and to keep them inside enclosures. To arrive at conveniently packaged snacks, it was necessary to have first invented agriculture. That sounds simple enough, but you had to till the soil, to sow grain, cultivate it, collect it, grind it, knead the floor, cook it.

In brief, we didn't arrive quickly to the buttons. So, when you push a button, at least try to think what there is behind this simple gesture. This reckoning back in time will give greater depth to your thoughts and also to your own acts, by connecting you in some way with our ancient roots and it will help you to be better aware of our place in the march of time.

The civilization of the button has made us lose some manual ability. By trying to recreate and use ancient techniques, we realize that to obtain satisfactory results it is not sufficient only to possess a good dexterity. It is also necessary to be able to use the tool properly and effectively, along with a good dose of experience, astuteness, patience, ability to understand what ...
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