Decide for what tragedy is, and then examine Oedipus the King and Death of a Salesman as tragedies.
The tragedy is one of the most common forms of drama production worldwide. There are certain criteria that the drama should be observed to ensure that it can be described as a tragedy. Criteria established by Aristotle and is still used today. It includes the tragic hero, harmartia, peripateia, plot, consisting of time within 24 hours, and finally, catharsis. "Oedipus Rex" is a perfect example of the tragedy by Sophocles written.
In the play, "Oedipus Rex, Oedipus a tragic hero, Aristotle said in the rules for the tragedy. Oedipus a tragic hero because he possesses the characteristics that will eventually follow that hero. Generosity is the most important in determining its name tragic hero. In any case, he could not escape from being king. Coming from a noble blood line made him a noble, but even when they tried to kill him, he ends up at the time the fate of the king and queen of another country. Other actions that set Oedipus as a tragic hero of his heroic efforts to free the Sphinx of Thebes, "You saved us from the Sphinx, that stern singer" (Dwyer, p23). Together with other feats Oedipus ultimately tragic hero.
Hamartia a tragic mistake, which accompanies the tragic hero, but does not lead to the death of the hero. Oedipus is a tragic mistake, his character and his pride. It shows his character when he kills Laios and all travelers with "Swinging my club with this right hand I knocked him out of the car, and he fell to the ground. I killed him. I killed them all. His temper is also displayed when Tiresias reveals his destiny, and the answer to the question, which he put ...