Debt Of Usa

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Debt of USA

National Debt U.S.

The U.S. National Debt is the money that the U.S. federal government has its creditors. For U.S. public debt does not include debts of individual states, corporations or individuals, as well as money belonging to social assistance recipients in the future. If you add the costs of medical, social insurance, the amount of debt increases significantly and reaches to 59.1 trillion. In 2010, the national debt, according to the CIA handbook, occupied 36 the place in the world in size with respect to GDP.

As of 31 January 2010, the total national debt of the United States amounted to $ 14.131 trillion dollars. The volume of debt is 96.5% of GDP the U.S.

Items of expenditure budget dollars exceed revenues (so-called. deficit budget) from the end of 60-ies of XX century (in 1970, the U.S. budget surplus was recorded only 4 times - in 1998 - 2001 years)... The national debt peaked in relation to GDP in 1946 due to massive government spending financed by bonds on defense, when it stood at 121.2% of GDP. Booming economy in the U.S. (and, hence, GDP) between 1965 and 1985 has reduced this value to about 40%. (Ratchford, 2001)

Who owns US Debt

Among the holders of U.S. debt securities in Japan - "fan" with the experience, as, indeed, and China. The two countries together in mid-2007 accounted for almost 28% of the market value of debt securities in the United States. In the U.S. state debt, their share is even higher - about 40%. And the Celestial Empire and may soon surpass his neighbor. Until March 2004, Japan actively bought these securities, trying to suppress the strengthening of the yen, but then abandoned that policy. This has significant implications for the dynamics of U.S. Treasury debt capacity to the largest ...
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