Death Penalty

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Death Penalty

Death Penalty


The United States of America is supposed to be this great country of freedom and opportunity for all and the reality of the matter is the U.S.A. Right now, Government is one of the biggest killers and the largest incarcerator in the world. Forgetting war for now, in 2010, the U.S.A. Government was the 5th largest death penalty murderer among other countries in the world- China, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, and then the U.S.A. There is a good reason they list homicide on the death certificate of a death penalty murder, because it is murder; there is nothing justifiable about it, certainly not 100%! Clearly our entire justice system needs to be replaced, so a real easy place to start stopping the biggest injustice of all is to stop murdering people. It is a well-known fact that many people sentenced to be murdered have turned up innocent. Many more would be found innocent if our “justice” system was not corrupt, immoral, and doing all it can to stop innocent people from being found innocent(Liu, 2004). In this paper, we discuss the “Death Penalty”, its impact and trends in world.


Innocent people have already been murdered by the U.S.A Government, and if this does not bother enough to stop the death penalty right now, we are clearly a morally imperfect human being with old and non progressive DNA, not worthy of passing your genes on. Murdering innocent people is irreversible; it is clearly wrong for a modern and intelligent society.

It is the biggest waste of money, costing much more than life imprisonment, as high as over $250 million per execution and when someone is found innocent it is impossible to set straight if it has been carried out. If you think justice is worth even one innocent person to be accidentally murdered by the death penalty are you willing to offer up your life or someone from your family as that innocent person to insure justice for the others? Of course, not and no one should have to. It is time the justice system actually provides justice and serves society. The first step is for the government of the U.S.A. to stop being a criminal worse than any other and murdering with all forethought and malice innocent people. This is clearly an area where zero error should be tolerated (Wolpin, 2008).

There are a lot of things wrong with our justice system when it comes to convicting innocent people of all types of crimes. There are a lot of things wrong with our justice system when it comes to properly sentencing and rehabilitating even actually guilty criminals that will be returning from incarceration to society eventually or perhaps should never even leave society and have alternative sentencing to incarceration. There are a lot of things wrong with our justice system from one end of it to the other but first we need to stop irreversible error until we do fix it. There are more intelligent, cost-effective, humane, and modern solutions than ...
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