Death By Scrabble

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Death by Scrabble


The story that have been selected for this essay is “Death by Scrabble” written by Charlie Fish. This short story is very well written and describes the unsuccessful relationship between a husband and wife. The story revolves around the relationship between this couple and the hatred that the husband have for his wife because he is not free to enjoy his life as he desires. This essay will be discussing the most important aspects to understand this short story. This will be done by discussing the theme, imagery and symbols identified in this story. The thesis statement about this story could be that “one should not hate anyone because hatred harms one's own self.”

Theme The main theme that can be identified by reading this interesting short story is the concept of life and death. The theme of this short story comes out to be life and death because the progress of the scrabble game being played by the characters in the story leads to the death of the husband at the end. Another significant theme that has been identified in this story is the hatred of the husband towards his wife which becomes the cause of an unsuccessful relationship between both the individuals. These are the basic themes that have been identified in the story “Death by Scrabble.”


The imagery of this story includes all the statements of the author which demonstrates his hatred for his wife. There are many statements that the author says in heart that demonstrates his hatred for his wife. The author relates the words that are being made by him and his wife with the imaginary situations that he wishes to happen in his life. The author demonstrates his hatred for his wife by thinking of killing her because he is bound to play ...
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