Dealing With Diabetes

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Dealing with Diabetes

Dealing with Diabetes

Dealing with Diabetes

Diabetes has become one of the most common diseases in the elderly. While no accurate figures are available, the data indicate a percentage, which is about 20% of the population over 65 years of age are affected by the disease in Western societies. The basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes are the same for the elderly than for younger people, but there are features and special problems associated with this disease in the elderly, that want further attention (Shekelle, 2007, 567).

Recent findings confirm that people with diabetes have often a range of psychological problems. Such disturbances not only cause suffering, but also affect the treatment and outcome of the diabetes. We will talk about diabetes mellitus type- insulin (Schoenberg, 2008, 45).

Type II diabetes can become evident at 30 to 45 years, but often it is diagnosed after 60 years. Diabetes is making "adjustments" in the life of every affected, but cope with it differently, some on their own and some with the help of family and friends, some can be successful, and some cannot adapt to the new situation effectively. The ability to adapt to the situation is enhanced through psychological counseling (Powlson, 2010, 12).

It is known that in youth people get used to everything quickly but unfortunately, it becomes difficult in most of the older people. For many years, these people have developed a certain style and rhythm of life, personal habits and preferences, which are already so entrenched that changing them is very difficult and sometimes impossible. Therefore, diabetes mellitus, with its own rules, makes all the routine; it is a terrible event, and can cause early death (Johnston, 2006, 567).

Here the negative role played by features of mind with age, decreased flexibility of thinking that hinders to understand and remember new information. It is clear that the presence of diabetes implies new, very extensive information. You can often hear such statements of people trained self-control: "Yes, all my life I ate what I wanted, and there was nothing" or "where I got diabetes in my life I drank tea without sugar?" This suggests that the reasons the disease was not understood and the search continue for the perpetrators that search for their own reasons (Hasnain, 2009, 778). It would be endless to mention all the processes that affect the mobile part of our body. Highlights are:

Changes with age: With the passage of time, a cell fibro fatty atrophy of the heel that induces hiperapoyo the calcaneus occurs at foot that decreases of the mobility of the metatarsal and tarsal joints degenerative changes in cartilage, and muscular atrophy.

Changes in general conditions: The list of diseases with potential manifestations is long. In many cases, the foot may be the primary site of symptoms and complications, like musculoskeletal diseases such as, gout, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease, heart failure, metabolic and endocrine diseases, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus, ...
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