Ddt & Breast Cancer

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DDT & Breast Cancer

DDT & Breast Cancer

Rachael Carson's Silent Spring

Silent Spring was the first public statement of what pesticides were causing to the environment. This was the last book he wrote to Carson before his death, though years ago I had published numerous articles and popular science books. But his writings not only show facts, they also teach attitudes. (McLaughlin, 2010)

Rachel Carson chose the title for his book because he wanted to stress that continued well, we could live a spring without birds, silent. However, one of the criticisms made of the book was: "Silence, Mrs. Carson." And silence is the weapon used and still uses the insecticide manufacturers to comply with the laws on trade secrets to which the public can not access the composition of their products. Silence is also the option to choose the government to authorize the deceptive ad campaigns for chemical industries and allow the volume of pesticides continues to increase worldwide. Silence is the instrument for DDT still sends items to remote areas of developing countries. (Matthiessen, 2007)

Rachel Carson

The impact of Silent Spring

When DDT came on the market, about 1942, was seen as the panacea for eradicate agricultural pests, which in some countries came to destroy crops whole, and to successfully fight serious diseases transmitted by insects. In 1948, Paul Müller discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT, was Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. But in 1962, Rachel Carson warned by first time the dangers of the use of this and other organochlorine pesticides.

What are the main issues of Silent Spring?

Silent Spring (Silent Spring) initiated a debate that still exists today and has stimulated research on the adverse effects of pesticides. At three months after its publication had been sold over 100,000 copies and success was not a summer flower. Forty years later still coming new editions and the book has been translated into over ten languages. (Brooks, 1972)

The book declares that the uncontrolled use of pesticides can cause mortality not only in animals, especially birds but also humans. Its title refers to a spring where you would not hear birdsong because they are all dead because of pesticides. The title was inspired by a poem by John Keats, La Belle Dame sans Thank you, which contains the lines: "The sedge is withered from the lake, and no birds sing." (McLaughlin, 2010)

She believed that the human species, trying to control nature, she adopted a stance arrogant to be fought. She praised the philosophy of Albert Schweitzer, who expressed reverence for all life, and she devoted year's later spring silent. (Paull, 2007)

What are pesticides and why are they used?


Pesticides are chemicals used to control, prevent or destroy pests affecting agricultural crops. Most of these substances are man-made, so they are called synthetic pesticides. The production of these substances arises from the Second World War, where industrialized countries started the manufacture of commercial pesticides to increase agricultural production.

One of the first and most common pesticides was DDT, to ...
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