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David Encouraged Himself In The Lord

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David Encouraged Himself in the Lord

Leaders at times can catch the brunt of it when it comes to the blame for failure and David was no exception. Champion boxers have an expression that goes "You're only as good as your last fight," and this seems to be the case with King David. With all the past battles he has won in proving the hand of the Lord was with him, he still faces mutiny among his men. Returning back to their camp they are surprised to discover that the Amalekites had kidnapped their wives and children. There is nothing ordinary about this trial since it strikes hard and deep to that which is closest to their hearts.

As a matter of fact, this is such a low point for the people and David alike, that they literally weep away their strength until nothing is left. Have you ever reached the place where you have been emptied of all hope in self? There isn't much left, is there? Widowers have described this debilitating experience in detail and have sometimes wrestled with it for years. David's distress does not end with loss of his own family, it is also over the fear of reprisal from his followers. But in all this the minstrel shepherd King does not give up. He does a remarkable thing. Resisting any tendency of self-pity, he decides at the end of himself to seek the lord. The bible tells us that "David encouraged himself in the Lord" meaning he worshipped the Lord and revived his strength to take action. This is more than human fortitude, it is the pouring out of one's soul before the Lord in the knowledge that only His enabling power is capable of dealing with something beyond our control.

There will always be those perplexing circumstances ...
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