Dating Violence

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Dating Violence


Dating violence is any physical assault, sexual or psychological deliberately inflicted by a partner in a relationship. Victims of dating violence may suffer one violent incident as a sexual assault or a continuous cycle of many incidents. This paper discusses the dating violence.

Dating Violence


Violence in a relationship (or abuse within it) involves a pattern of excessive control someone violates your partner. Violence in a relationship can take many forms among which include psychological or emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. With which, you may be experiencing violence in their relationship but not being physically abused. This can occur both in casual encounters as formal and lasting relationships. Violence in a young relationship resembles domestic violence in many ways:

Both forms of violence affect people of all socioeconomic, racial, ethnic and religious.

Both occur in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

Both usually have patterns of violence that tends to increase over time.

Both usually alternate episodes of violence and abuse with apologies and promises of change.

Both pose a great danger to the victim when it tries to end the relationship.

Men and women, boys and girls can be bullies.


A person, who violates a restraining order against repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence, is committing a misdemeanor of the first degree. A first degree misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in jail and / or a fine up to $ 1,000. A restraining order against repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence can be violated if the abuser:

He refuses to leave home parties share; about 500 feet from the residence, school, work, or place commonly frequented by the person requesting the order and any member of the family or household named in the order; Commits an act of repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence against the person who asked for the order; Commits any other violation of the order through threats, exchange of words, or act of intentional and unlawful violence against the person who asked for the order; Llama, contact, or communicate with the person who requested the order directly or indirectly, unless the order specifically allow contact through third parties; Approaching within 100 feet of the vehicle of the person who requested the order on purpose, regardless of whether the vehicle is occupied or not; Harms or destroys the personal property of the person who requested the protective order, including your vehicle, or Refuses to hand weapons or ammunition that the court ordered him to surrender.

The dating violence can include the following types of violence: sexual violence, physical violence and psychological violence. The opposite sex is all done in my violence dating violence. Married dating violence among men and women without fellowship from the engagement or from cohabitation to hang out during the entire period an agreement between two people without one person with the intent to do harm to the other party should do all of the physical, psychological, and sexual to refers to the act. Dating violence in the past, in a narrow sense, is perceived ...
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