Dating Issues For Men And Women

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Dating Issues for Men and Women


The ideal scenario for any individual in this world is to find a perfect match for him or herself. However, it is easier said than done, finding a perfect match or soul mate is believed to be amongst world's toughest tasks and unresolved issues. Most importantly, the attainment of the soul mate is the final destination or stop. One has to cover a whole journey of relationships and dates, before making a final stop at the station of love and soul mate. The process which leads to the ultimate triumph, is not always a pleasant voyage, it holds with it numerous issues and complications, which are unless over come or resolved cannot lead to the final spot.


Dating is deemed as the usual affectionate meeting between two individuals, where the individuals seek to spend some quality lovely time with eachother, besides thoroughly analyzing the other individual with respect to a future intimate relationship or even as a spouse. The understanding of this term varies from individual to individual based upon their perception of the whole concept and its implications. It is a benign meeting between two individuals at a predetermined location. Their assessment of each other's compatibility and emotional involvement determines their future interactions and relationship (Eagar. P.121).

Dating Issue for Men

Both men and women in this issue regard their position to be more complicated than the other person. Men, tend to believe the date, specially the first date, to be a tester. They perceive their dates, (women), to be judgemental of their every move; Therefore, it compels them to be excessively heedful in executing everything according to plan, and constantly seek to construct a splendid impression and impact.

It poses issues for males, as they are deemed to be the architect of the whole evening. Therefore, anything going out of the way leads to an unpleasant impression. The men cannot afford to be late, as women detest to be left for waiting (Cloud & Townsend, p.180).

However, the most pressing issue that poses great complication for males in a relationship is the monetary issue. At times, women may not find this factor to be highly imperative for executing a real date, but the psychology of a man always drags him to the other side, which constantly compels him to be perfect in whatever he does and possesses.

Moreover, since the man is the architect of the date and tends to ...
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