Data Storage Problem

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Data Storage Problem

Data Storage Problem


In today's world of advanced technology, companies which have large sets of data must employ some optimum means for data storage. For this purpose, databases are frequently used (Hellerstein, J.M., 2007, pp.141). A database is an integrated collection of data records, and files. Many data base models are being used by different companies for efficient and easy data storage or management, however, relational model comes out to be the most popular for many useful reasons. We proposed data storage model for a shipping company, by discussing data elements which must be used in order to improve the existing system.

Purpose and Goal of the Project

The main goals of our project are, to analyze and design a data storage system for a local shipping company which ship around the area. We decided to use relational data base model, for which we have to learn the various pieces of data being used, and how those are inter related. We have to design the relational data base by using 3NF Normalization rules, and suggest appropriate primary and foreign keys for creating accurate relations between data. Our focus is on designing the system in such a way that it meets the data storage requirements of the company effectively.

Effects on Users and Administrators

Currently, the company is working manually without any automated storage mechanism. Due to which, often employs have to face various issues such as data loss, redundancy, loads of paper work, and lack of consistency. By having an efficient relational data base, users and administrators will be able to perform a wide variety of tasks easily. The access of users can always be kept limited according to their level of authority. Examples of some of the functions helpful for users are:

Adding new files in the database

Inserting and deleting data from existing files

Retrieving data from existing files easily.

Relational data base will manage redundancy issues.

Remove existing files from the database

Administrators are helped in the following ways:

They will have easy to generate, consolidated and customized reports about the data base performance, problems.

Simplification in writing programs, as in relational models, there is independence between the way the data is stored and the application program which accesses it.

Easy maintenance.

Data elements to be involved

Analysis of the current system helped us in knowing the attributes and entities involved. To start with we create a sketch that how the data base will look like originally, as shown in figure 1. In the next section, we discuss the normalization and splitting these larger relations into smaller and manageable by using 3NF rules.

The main entities are Pickup Manifest, Delivery truck Details and Delivery Manifest. These tables include the relevant attributes as shown in the figure 1. Primary and Foreign keys for relating the tables will be decided, once the tables pass through 1NF stage.

Platform to be used: type of database

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