Data Analysis

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Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Data Analysis


This chapter describes the research questions and hypotheses used in this study, describes the research design and methodology, sampling and data collection methods and contributions validity and reliability issues associated with this work. Finally, issues of data collection, data analysis, limitations of the study and takes into account ethical considerations.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

The main objective of the study of this work is:

To study the influence of some factors on the ethical attitudes and perceptions of business leaders to their subordinates. Additionally, the following questions were formulated to explore research objectives;

RQ_1: What is the nature of the ethical attitudes and perceptions of corporate managers?

RQ_2: What is the effect of age on ethical attitudes and perceptions of business leaders to subordinates?

RQ_3: What is the influence of gender on the ethical attitudes and perceptions of corporate managers?

RQ_4: What is the impact of education on ethical attitudes and perceptions of corporate managers?

RQ_5: What are the implications of the existence of formal code of ethics of the ethical attitudes and perceptions of corporate managers? To answer the questions given on five hypothesis. These hypotheses are listed below. Thanks to the mixed results of studies in the literature on the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable, and since the literature is very little detailed empirical research on these relations under the null hypothesis were occupied. Value problem in the recruitment test of the null hypothesis was whether the relationship between demographic variables and presence to create a formal code of ethics, on the one hand, and the perception of ethical behaviorothers.

If the null hypothesis is rejected, the relationship between independent and dependent variables (Sigmund, 2003).

Hypotheses 1-5 relate to research question 2, which is the effect of age on various aspects of ethical perceptions and attitudes of ethical behavior addresses.

H1: There is no significant relationship between age of corporate managers and their ethical views and attitudes of the cultural environment in which they operate.

H2: There is no significant relationship between age of corporate managers and their ethical views and attitudes of the stakeholder interaction.

H3: There is no significant relationship between age of corporate managers and their ethical views, and the ratio of employee ethics.

H4: There is no significant correlation between the age of corporate managers and their ethical views and attitudes of ethical conflicts.

H5: There is no ...
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