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Data Analysis and Web Applications

Data Analysis and Web Applications


Web applications are now considered as a key tool to enhance business progression. It is also being implemented in Veterinary Profession. It is very essential for veterinarians to have basic understanding of business practices related to the veterinary industry. With the help of this planning knowledge as well as practice management the veterinarian will be able to make a valuable part as a future employee. For this purpose, they need to implement E-Commerce in their practices.


Core Business Functions of 'Mild may'

Veterinary practice is the name give to the term of a business which is related to the profitable delivery of veterinary medicine. Specifically those veterinary practices that are involved in providing health care to small animals face an extremely competitive environment. It is necessary for the veterinarian to be successful as an entrepreneur and a practice manager besides providing successful animal health care (Michael, 2012).

Current e-Commerce Systems used by the Veterinary Profession

The term electronic commerce which is commonly known as (e-shopping) or e-commerce is based on the practices of selling and purchasing various products over electronic systems like Internet. E-commerce is basically conducted electronically for virtual items that include access to quality content on a website, but the transportation of physical items is also somehow included in e-commerce. The service of e-commerce is utilized to sell those products which are housed inside the veterinary clinic. This involves diet of animals and similar products. Clients also use e-commerce stores to accept digital payment for services such as medical boarding at their personal services. Websites with e-commerce helps to attract a number of customers from all over the world due to the flexibility it offers to the consumers. It offers the products and services browsing for the clients at a suitable time. It also offers a simple and easy means for the customers to make a secure credit card payment (Michael, 2012).

Mild May's Aims and How They Relate to Stakeholders

The main aim of Mild may is to provide quality and responsive services of information technology and delivery of Veterinary Services to its stakeholders which improves and protects the quality, marketability and health of veterinary biologics, animals and animal products. In order to assist stakeholders, Mild may have designed an Information Technology Roadmap which is used to describe the current state of disease inspection management IT systems within the Veterinary Services APHIS, and USDA. Moreover, despite economic crisis, Mild may continues ...
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