Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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Darwin's Theory of Evolution

Darwin's Theory of Evolution


We act like animals, we eat like animals, and we are animals. The many theories of evolution such as Darwin's theory of evolution prove to us that we choose to believe that we are not animals when we really are. Evolution is the sequential process of change over periods of time, which shapes and establishes the formation of modern man. In referring to evolution, the word means various changes. The traditional Christian view of the creation of the world is that God created everything after much thought, planning and design in just six days, these beliefs are based on the narrative written in the first book of the old testament, Genesis, the design and purpose of humans within God's creation brings a sense of personal meaning and value into the lives of Christians.


In 1859, Charles Darwin published “The Origin of Species”. It was in this book which he set out a theory of natural selection, a process of which the design of every living thing could be derived, however, the belief that the origin of the species has in fact occurred through billions of years of evolving, and not through a special act of creation by God shown in Genesis had been around for many years before Darwin's publications, and much of his work shows influence from others (Thompson, 1997). Such people who influenced Darwin's work are Sir Charles Lyell whose scientific work suggested that the structure of the earth had to be the result of millions of years of change, and William Paley, who believed that the natural world showed so much evidence of actual design and purpose that it had to be Gods Working, and he argued that a watch would not work if any of its parts were arranged differently, the watch being the operation of an intelligent designer. This metaphor suggests that the world had to be carefully arranged by a creator (God) and if it had not then it would not work. Darwin challenged Paley's view that such a creator - God existed (Thompson, 1997).

Artificial Selection inspired Darwin the most, he believed that Artificial selection occurs in nature (Natural selection) allowing the strongest and best adapt for their environment of each species to survive, thus passing on their strengths to the next generation and so on. In any population there are and will be variations, and those born with certain characteristics e.g. good eyesight, long legs, will enjoy and benefit from this trait and then pass it to their offspring (Thompson, 1997). If their environment changes gradually then new characteristics may develop and as the environment continues to change the individuals with the best characteristics will live longer, do better and produce more offspring until eventually the population will look very different from its original and new species can develop when the environment favours new characteristics over old ones. Darwin held the belief that the variation between all animals, was in degree rather than in kind, ...
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