Cyber warfare has been defined as the process of nation-state to introduce computers of other countries or networks to cause damage or destruction. She became so important to military operations on land, sea, air and space.
Cyber warfare is a form of warfare that occurs on computers and the Internet, by electronic means rather than physical. Cyber-war, and also known to be a growing force in the international community, and many countries regularly run Cyber warfare exercises and games which will be prepared for attacks from their enemies genuine. With the growing global dependence on technology for everything from managing the national electricity demand and supply for the troops, the cyber-war is the method of attack that many countries are vulnerable to a. Cyber war, consists of units organized nation-state boundaries, in offensive and defensive operations, the use of computers to attack other computers or networks through electronic media. In the future, if not already standard practice, the individual units of cyber-war may pass through cables attacks on targets in the spirit of cooperation and at the same time. The overall objective is to seek an advantage over the enemy to compromise the integrity, confidentiality and availability of computing devices. Protection of critical infrastructure poses new challenges to national security, various stakeholders, emphasis on civil and commercial systems and services but Military force is not so important. The volume of these new challenges depends on how we define national security and how it sets the threshold for acceptable loss. From a legal point of view or public safety, no country will take another attack on the infrastructure, or violation of service. If the goal is to prevent cyber-attacks on the day of service cost of electricity or water, put high demands on security. However, in terms of military ...