Cyber Stalking

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Does Cyber Stalking put people off from using internet for their day to day activities and use of social networking sites?

Does Cyber Stalking put people off from using internet for their day to day activities and use of social networking sites?


Cyber Stalking is an issue that affects 1.5 million people each year. While women are routinely the general target, men can become victims of stalkers as well. Stalkers share alike traits, each of which fuel what they do. Oftentimes a stalker's motives are as effortlessly profiled as their traits. Stalkers routinely share alike character characteristics as well as reasons for doing what they do.

Many stalkers are loners. Because of the lack of other relationships, they become severely attached to the idea of possessing a relationship with the person who they are Cyber Stalking. In many situations, the need of proficiency to form relationships starts at a juvenile age. Some stalkers are neglected by their parents, and in turn are unable to form attachments with other people later on in life (Snow, 1998, pp. 130-135). This causes them to be extremely lonely, which is a main characteristic of a stalker. This lack of personal relationships, combined with a low self-esteem creates a feeling of worthlessness. They feel like without a connection with the person they are Cyber Stalking, they have no purpose in life (25). This is one reason for most celebrity Cyber Stalking. The idea of establishing a connection with a person of high status becomes appealing, because these stalkers believe that they will acquire a higher level of importance (Lewittes, 1998, pp. 254-258). When this does not happen, stalkers can often become extremely angry, even violent toward that person. Frustration builds up, and they do not know how to deal with the situation. This can sometimes lead to stalker related deaths (Snow, 1998, pp. 130-135).

An Outline of Research Methods

A common aim of study is to assemble facts and figures representative of a population. The researcher uses information gathered from the survey to generalize findings from a drawn sample back to a population, within the limits of random error. The qualitative research interview hunts for to describe and the meanings of cantered themes in the life world of the subjects. The major task in interviewing is to realise the meaning of what the interviewees say. A qualitative research interview seeks to cover both a factual and a significance level, ...
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