The advent of the personal computer combined with the development of the Internet and easy-to-use, Internet-based computer applications has created a new virtual environment in which new forms of social interaction occur. Adding new technologies to social behaviors has created an environment that has changed individuals, cultures, and the world. Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, individuals can communicate with others who have the same interests worldwide. A new world cyber dominance has formed (North, 2006). The overlying cyber dominance is different from previous cultural development in nature and scope. The development is of a virtual nature and (or will) encompasses every individual worldwide. Never before have new global cultural forms emerged so quickly.
Cyber dominance is defined in several ways: (a) the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought; (b) the patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population; and (c) the predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization. Cyber refers to computers (Nanda, 2006).
Cyber-dominance can then be defined as the transforming of social behavioral patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought in which humans interact with computers and computer networks (Arquilla, 2007).
Cyber dominance plays a role in society and societal issues. Barnouw stated that society is a more or less organized group of people of both sexes who share a common cyber dominance. Loosely “society,” in this context, refers to issues such as meeting food, shelter, reproductive, and other basic needs. Das stated that a society typically has only one cyber dominance. Ember and Ember, and Nanda stated that two different societies cannot possess the same cyber dominance (Alexander, 2008).
Das again stated that this implied that if cyber-dominance is distinct cyber dominance, then it should form one particular separate society. Cyber-dominance is unique in that it is essentially one distinct and separate subculture of many global societies. This societal cultural extension is the same globally but is connected to societies with different values, ethics, and morals (Aldrich, 2007). For instance, Europe, America, and Asia all have different societies, with each having its own unique cyber dominance. The cyber dominance of cyber, transported through the Internet, is identical regardless of physical location. Beliefs, behaviors, patterns, traits, and predominating attitudes are nearly identical whether the individual is in New York, London, Hong Kong, Moscow, or Munich. Cyber-dominance is then intertwined with the local cyber dominance and society, extending the physical world into the virtual world. North has called cyber-dominance a “pan-societal superstructure.” Cyber-dominance, unlike traditional cultures, is freed of the responsibilities of providing a number of properties that can reasonably be expected from any mainstream society by virtue of the fact that its members are also members of the traditional mainstream societies that supply basic societal needs (food, shelter). According to Das, the Internet society has become a melting pot of different societal ...