Both the counter terrorists and terrorists have been aided by the internet
Virtual battles are as vital as on-ground battles
Cyber espionage is publicly being complained by the leaders
Literature Review
Critical infrastructures are being exploited by cyber attacks
National infrastructures are prone to more intense cyber attacks
The landscape of the battle field is determined by the software and hardware
Cyber terrains that are restricted prevent cyber attacks
Networks and computers challenge both defenders and attackers
A planned attacks success is not confirm unless the attack is launched
National infrastructures are progressively more linked with the web, which increases the risks of cyber attacks
Discussion and Analysis
Planners of national security need to make efforts for responding to the problems
Declaration of argument/explanation
In spite of a modular design possessed by the web hackers are successful in finding different ways to launch and attacks critical infrastructures.
Assessments need to be made regarding the degree to which such infrastructures are prone to cyber threats.
Cyber Attacks and Critical Infrastructure
Each military and political conflict now has a cyber dimension, whose impact and size is not easy to estimate. Currently the experts of national security have to realize that the actual military and political objective could be lost or won within the cyber space, even if merely on the party line façade. The terrorists and foreign intelligence agencies have been aided by the internet and globalization to the extent that all other parts of the society have been aided (Lewis, 2002). Information gathering, public relations, fund-raising, and communication are all significantly assisted by the technologies for networking, and the internet's pure intensifying power implies that the each battle that is fought in the virtual environment could be simple as much crucial as incidents occurring on the ground-level.
Spies and terrorists could at present utilize OSINT (Open Source INTelligence) through the internet for a considerable portion of their data gathering requirements, by the use of techniques to hack for obtaining data, which is publicly not accessible, seem to be routine. Throughout the world government leader are seen to be publicly complaining about the cyber espionage (Cody, 2007). The increased interest branches out from the unusually higher returns on investments, which are sought by computer spies: access to sensitive communications, free data of research and development, and much more. The computer hacking's elegance is that it could be practiced for a little bit of the cost and jeopardy of various data gathering strategies.
Statement of the Question:
Are the internet based critical infrastructures vulnerable of cyber attacks?
Literature Review
Cyber attacks aimed at manipulating infrastructures that are critical that additional expertise, time, and effort as compared to the plain theft of information, due to the below mentioned reasons. Nonetheless, defenders of computer networks must realize that expertise, time, and efforts are resources, which the intelligence services of foreign countries have in large quantity. For instance, during the Second World War Enigma Ciphers and Breaking the Purple demonstrated not just the enormous responsibility necessary for achieving feats like these, but even its priceless service to ...