Customer Satisfaction

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Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty resulting Organizational Behavior

Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty resulting Organizational Behavior


Kaizen provides the beliefs and going by car force for designing the quality. If value is made the international driving force, then customers will get the best worth likely and use the product. The anxiety about quality will optimise the worth for customers. (Johnson 2001)


In order to highlight the need for OB studies we need to know what OB gives us, how it relates to our employees and what that overall impact is on the organization. OB is a field of study that investigates the impacts that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organization's effectiveness(Cohen 2002) Instead, they focus on the customer's entire experience with an organization or service contact and the detailed assessment of that experience.


The concept of organizational behavior is for each employee to understand and believe how valuable they are to the organization, from the mailroom clerk to the CEO. This concept may have been established years ago, during the WWII era, but in the past 15-20 years, organizational behavior has shifted from corporate cohesion and company loyalty to self-motivation and autonomy (Robbins, 2001). A major factor for this change is due to the demand for increased technology, which has led to the need for skilled technical labor. Every field of business now requires some degree of computer knowledge. The speed of doing business has increased drastically with the onset of corporate giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Intel. Companies spend billions of dollars each year trying to keep up with the latest and greatest technology in order to win customer business and strengthen their customer base.

Corporations have invested so much in technology and automation, they ...
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