Current Economic Control

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Current economic Climate

Current economic Climate


Crime is defined as any deliberate action that causes disruption in a particular situation, whereas, the one committing it should be held responsible and accountable. In modern day world, crime has to with the violation of law. It is judged by a public body and institution, it is a product of deviating from the legal code of the country, and committing a behaviour which is contrary from the law of the country. Therefore, Oxford dictionary puts it as “the act that is considered shameful, wrong and evil in the eyes of state law or human ethics.” A criminal is the one who is convicted of crime, and therefore, is subjected to legal punishments and penalties accordingly.

In the human society today, crime is the most disrupting factor, and causing everyday risk to the mankind in all societies of the world, in all possible means. For every going year, crime rates of all regions are escalating regardless of stringent legalizations being proposed and implemented by the government bodies. It causes social disrupt and unrest on civil scale. Crime causes frustration, as well as, chaos in a society, it puts life, wealth, family, and all things of value at risk. Unreported crime encourages criminals to go farther, and encourage other frustrated citizens to violate the law. Besides, crime forms the normal living courses of life in a society. It is one of the most fundamental issues faced by the humanity of today.

Crime rates are increasing rapidly with the passage of time. The law enforcement bodies have failed at prevention and control of crime. US alone accounts for 18.7% of the total global crime committed, whereas, United Kingdom is second with 13.2% in the global crime rate. Crime takes many forms; it includes every violation of law from homicide to street crime, from theft to terrorism.

The paper studies crime prevention measures in detail. It studies the description of crime, as well as, the types of legal crime. It researches the origin of legal crime, as well as, the crime statistics on global scale. It discusses the reasons of crime and the factors leading to crime. It looks into prevention measures taken by the government, as well as, their failure. It studies the prevention budgets used and analysis the implication of situational measures in the future (AIC, pp.1-2). In the end, it justifies the budget allocation for situational measures in crime, and compares it with current implementation of crime prevention budgets. It also explains how greater spending on prevention measures rather than situational measures leads to a false economy, and attempts at the economic effect on social crime prevention.


Crime; risking the man kind

Crime is any act that leads to the violation of state law. Law outlines that description and understanding of disruptive and harmful behaviour towards citizens of a society. The law provides a defendant approach for conducts and actions that are done on in deliberate and humanistic ...
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