Consumer Culture plays a significant role in our everyday lives. The articles In Praise of Consumerism and Needing The Unnecessary; The Democratization of Luxury by James Twitchell show strong arguments in favour of consumer culture. Both articles focus on how important consumerism has become in the modern commercial world and how more people wealthy or middle class are buying luxury items to be accepted by others in society. People in today's society who buy luxury items find it “arousal seeking” and it is believed that consumerism will soon be the new world culture. These two articles show similar views on consumerism and hold valid information in favour of consumer culture. Korten shows that the transition from an Empire to Earth Community would be alot easier without the increase in consumerism in the 21st century. (Trentmann 2004:35-59)
James Twitchell wrote an article In Praise of Consumerism about how consumerism is a significant part of everyday life. Commercialism is in practically everything that we encounter on a day to day basis. It is in the water we swim in, the air we breathe, our sunlight and shade. In our society you can't consume an object without consuming meaning which is a major part of the modern commercial world. People like having things and it has come down to the quality and quantity of what you have as to how you are perceived by others in society. Twitchell states in his article that the American Century will be the next era and that it will likely be the commandeer of the 21st century. So basically American culture is well on its way to being recognized and used by cultures all over the world. It will soon be the new world culture. Korten states that the United States has been the world's most aggressive national proponent of economic growth and consumerism as the tickets to happiness; however what did clearly increase in the United States over this period were measures of depression, anxiety, distrust and psychological dysfunction. Although this article focuses on consumerism being a positive development for the 21st century, Korten shows that along with consumerism comes many personal and social issues.
The Twenties was a time of great social change for America. Woman had been given the right to vote, selling alcoholic beverages was illegal, and agrarian people were moving to the cities. While these social changes were taking place, economic change also began to take hold. Increasingly, men were working in factories--in jobs that required little or no skill. Work was repetitious, boring, and unfulfilling for most Americans, yet because most were experiencing times of prosperity, families had more money. The times were right for another change, a cultural change, and thus began the era of consumer culture that is a staple of America even today. (Sandler 1997:15-20)
Since one's work could no longer ensure satisfaction or contentment, people began to look for other avenues of gratification outside the workplace. Industry, too, was experiencing the stress of changing ...