Culture And Change

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Culture and change

Culture and change

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The Catholic Church in the United States of America is part of the universal Catholic Church, in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. This Catholic Church works as an adult daycare and provides shelter to many adults who are poor, needy, and homeless or, their family has left them. Catholicism arrived in the territories that now form the United States, with the explorers and colonizers Spaniards, in today's Florida and southeast. The first Christian celebration held in the present United States was a Catholic Mass celebrated in St. Augustine in Florida. The influence of the Spanish Mission of the ' Alta California (1769 and subsequent) is a round of the first evangelization of the U.S. territory (Hammel, 2007).

Catholicism has received a boost with the colonization of Maryland (1634): this colony offered a rare example of a tolerant Catholic in an age of intolerance, particularly present in the other colonies the English, which frequently exhibited a vigorous militancy Protestant. The formal establishment of the Catholic Church in the United States was the creation, by Pope Pius VI, the Prefecture Apostolic of the United States of America, established on 26 November 1784 (just one year after the independence of the country). The land was obtained from ' Archdiocese of Quebec. On 6 November 1789 due to the short ex hoc Apostolic of Pius VI, the prefecture apostolic was elevated to diocese and took the name of the Diocese of Baltimore. The prefect John Carroll went to the office of bishop, becoming the first bishop of the United States. The American hierarchy was established by his successor, Pope Pius VII, who rose to the level of Baltimore Archdiocese and appointed four new dioceses: New York, Philadelphia, Boston and St. Louis.

Old Age Homes have largely been located largely at two locations: Metropolitan Cities and, Tier-two Cities that have been known for their cool climate or that have religious/spiritual interest for the elderly. Old persons have preferred to live in Metropolitan Cities largely on account of the fact that these were their pioneering work places, or that the younger members of their families reside in such places, or, for the better physical and social infrastructural status in such places. The Tier-two cities have been known as “retirement cities” either on account of their relatively cooler and pollution-free climate or account of their religious significance. The older persons are also a “class of consumers” in the “Age Care Industry” that is registering significant growth in the world. Such institutions are rapidly moving towards catering to what can be called a “total package of needs” of the older persons including quality shelter, services (including medical and non-medical), and activities. These institutions no longer remain confined to networking with healthcare institutions or service providers in a contractual basis; many institutions have built dispensaries, physio therapy clinics and even long-term care units within their campuses (Moody, 2002).

Culture of the Center

One of the best reasons to consider senior day care is that ...
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